AACT 2024

Windham Actors Guild was pleased to perform “The Yellow Boat” to the NHCTA One-Act State/Regional Competition on September 7, 2024 at the Concord City Auditorium known as “The Audi”

Directed by Colleen Strang

“The Yellow Boat is based on the true story of David and Sonja Saar’s son, Benjamin, who is born with congenital hemophilia and died in 1987 at the age of 8 of AIDS-related complications. A uniquely gifted visual artist, Benjamin’s buoyant imagination transformed his physical and emotional pain into a blaze of colors and shapes in his fanciful drawings and paintings.”  – Dramatic Publishing

“Congratulations Cast and Crew for your awards at the NHCTA one act festival with a special shout out to Nate for his recognition as outstanding youth actor for “The Yellow Boat” by David Saar.”


Benjamin – Nathan Bova

Mother – Allison Bialas

Father – Christopher Cohen

Joy – Jacqueline Massie

Eddy – Rosemary Fischette

Chorus 1 – Irene Cohen

Chorus 2 – Eden Timinski

Chorus 3 – Jay Massie

Chorus 4 – Beth Koenigsbauer

Production Team:

Director: Colleen Strang

Lighting Design:  Jackie Fitzgerald-Boyd

Sound Design:  Colleen and Keith Strang

Scenic Design and Props:  Colleen Strang

Costumes:  Beth Koenigsbauer