Windham on Broadway
Director and Musical Director: Michele Henderson; Assistant Musical Director: Jonathan Yourtee; Choreographer: Jackie Coffin; Producer: Michelle Joyce
About The Show
Windham on Broadway was preformed January 2011 and was the first of many successful productions by Windham Actors Guild. This revue show was to launch the then, newly established theater group. This concept show brought Broadway musical into Windham's every day life, with familiar old favorites such as music from Annie, Bye Bye Birdie, and Fiddler on the Roof as well as many others, and setting them into familiar locations around the Town of Windham. This show created by Michele Henderson was brought to life with love, humor and above all respect for each stories' original message.
The Cast
Alexander Antonakos Mike Joanis
Rebecca Antonakos Kayla Marie Joyce
Charles Basner Jonathan Kaplan
Richard Bouchard Adam Lavoie
Holly Breton Kira Lavoie
Jackie Coffin John LeBlanc
Chris Cohen Tayla Lemieux
Irene Cohen Debbie Mackenzie
Samuel Cohen Donna Mahoney
Madison Dube Molly McAlpine
Jana El-Sayed Brooke McLaughlin
Brittany Fronk Taylor Morin
Lori Georgy Denis Riendeau
Mary Griffin Angela Sanscrainte
Jennifer Holbrook Caitlin Schaub
John Hollinger Stephanie Simms
Nick Holmes Taunia Soderquist
Donna Indelicato Debra Talcott
Victoria Indelicato Samantha Weis
Joel Iwaskiewicz Anna Avagelsky
Emma Joanis Annabelle Zvagelsky